Berry-Lemon Ice Cubes

I'll take a fruity water and a side of fiber, please! Next time you need to give you water a little personality, don't just add a slice of fruit, really bump up the flavor and while you're at it - let's add a little more nutrition, too. Blending the whole fruit and not just extracting the juice usher in extra vitamins and that always needed micronutrient - FIBER!



  • 6-8 whole lemons
  • 32 oz. container of fresh, organic strawberries
  • fresh mint
  • a couple of ice cube trays




Peel the lemon completely. Pitch or compost the peel and put whole lemons into blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into ice cube tray and freeze.

Remove leaves from strawberries and blend whole strawberries until smooth. Pour into ice cube tray.

Freeze trays until liquid is frozen, 2-4 hours.

Put a few cubes into a glass and fill with water (or club soda and vodka). Garnish with mint. Cheers!

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