
December 19, 2023

November 29, 2023
Sure, parties are fun, but don’t let them send you into a downward spiral of weight gain and unhealthy habits. Owner of the Center for Plant-Based Living gives us her top 5 tips to navigate holiday gatherings. Caryn Dugan says she knows everyone will veer off the healthy path, but the trick is getting back on the road to wellness that you’ve been traveling. Cheers to health!

November 23, 2023
The owner and founder of the Center for Plant-Based Living, says she has five favorite things to make for Thanksgiving - and none derail her healthy lifestyle!

St. Louis Magazine
August 31, 2023
"...I thought, That’s what I need to do. When you’re sick and want to see if you can be healthier by having more plants on your plate, then you shouldn’t have to look around for a cooking class—you have enough going on. So for two years, I saved everything I made, and on the anniversary of my dad’s passing, August 13, 2019, we opened the nations’ first—and still only—fully plant-based nutrition and culinary education center, the Center For Plant-Based Living."

August 23, 2023